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Study Report Gender Based Violence in the RMG industry in Bangladesh

Bangladesh Garments and Textile Workers League (BTGWL) has engaged A Team of Consultants to conduct study of ‘Gender Based Violence in the RMG Industry in Bangladesh’.  A Team of Consultants has implemented the study during November through December 2017 in coordination with and support from BTGWL.

This study report has five chapters. The first chapter of this report introduces the study background, objective and specific objectives of the study and scope of the study. The second chapter presents the study methodology including survey locations and sample size, data collection tools design and development procedures and finally data management and analysis. The third chapter describes the findings of the study, that includes Basic Profile of the Study Respondents, Attitude and behavior toward female workers, Forms and nature of gender based violence in the RMG industry and its prevalence and Institutional arrangement to prevent Gender based violence (GBV) at work place. The fourth chapter reviews government laws, policies and its implementation in the RMG industries. The fifth chapter concludes the report with a set of recommendations.