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The ready-made garment (RMG) sector is the lifeblood for the Bangladeshi economy and acts as a catalyst for the development of Bangladesh. The “Made in Bangladesh” tag has also brought glory for the country, making it a prestigious brand across the globe. Maintaining higher export growth every year, now the sector is the largest contributor not only to overseas trade but also to the national economy. The sector alone directly employs nearly 4 million skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled workers. Indirectly, the garment sector, which started its journey in Bangladesh since the early 1980s, employs a few crores of people in the country. Bangladesh’s position as the world’s second largest readymade garment exporter continues to hold strong. The sector accounts for 83% of total export earnings of the country. In 2020, the export value of ready-made garments (RMG) in Bangladesh amounted to approximately 27.95 billion U.S. dollars.

In the garment sector majority of the workers are women and most of them come from the rural areas and 90% of them are illiterate. In the garment working place the workers are facing so many problems. Out of them, the main problems are low wage, long working hours and an unhealthy atmosphere, OSH and especially for women maternity facilities are neglected, harassment and physical abuse are very common. Bangladesh Textile & Garments Workers League is working in the RMG sector to ensure decent work for the workers for a sustainable industrial growth.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut ut nunc convallis, laoreet lectus sit amet, rutrum tellus. Quisque et risus id elit bibendum finibus ac lacinia mi. Vivamus at ipsum a velit eleifend ultrices eget vel lacus. Aliquam varius elit vel nibh egestas congue. Quisque sodales vestibulum erat sit amet mollis. Sed sed mi eget nulla vehicula malesuada at id eros. Vivamus lacus erat, dapibus ac sollicitudin vel, tincidunt congue urna. Morbi mollis molestie lacus id accumsan. Pellentesque in volutpat tortor. Pellentesque lobortis placerat vestibulum. Ut mattis risus quis quam finibus lacinia. Donec rhoncus luctus sapien a tincidunt.

Nullam at aliquet erat. Aliquam pellentesque efficitur mi. Fusce sed quam ex. Nulla vel felis euismod, viverra dolor eu, tempus ligula. Aenean eget tortor ut ex facilisis vestibulum vel condimentum magna. Phasellus aliquet bibendum blandit. Suspendisse tincidunt pulvinar diam, convallis consectetur diam fermentum sit amet. Vivamus urna diam, scelerisque vitae turpis a, viverra aliquam arcu. Vestibulum a efficitur metus. Integer consectetur erat dolor, non finibus ipsum congue eu. Praesent id volutpat odio, in rhoncus arcu. 

Hand Loom

Handloom industry is the biggest handicraft industry in our country; it is the second largest source of rural employment after agriculture. The traditional handloom industry is the largest non-farm economic activity in Bangladesh since the long past that has created enormous employment opportunities for the rural poor, and particularly for women. A manpower of about 1.5 million weavers, dyers, hand spinners, embroiderers and allied artisans have been using their creative skills into more than 0.30 million active looms to produce around 620 million meters of fabrics annually. It shares 63% of the total fabric production in the country designed for home consumption, meeting 40% of the local demand for fabrics. Besides, it provides employment opportunities to a million rural people, 50% of which are female. Another half a million people are indirectly engaged in the industry. . Handloom products include Place mats, Rugs or Blankets, Satranji, Crochet, Muslin, Tribal textiles, Silk fabrics, Sofa covers, Block Prints, Tablecloth and Napkins, Towels, Dusters, Kitchen towels, Gents, Ladies and Baby Wear and Shirts, Punjabis, and other household linen in printed, plain or embroidered Khadi etc.
It contributes more than 10 (ten) billion taka annually to the national exchequer as value addition. Bangladesh Handloom Board (BHB) was established in 1977 as a Statutory Public Sector Organization under the administrative control of the Ministry of Textiles and Jute. The Board has been entrusted with the responsibility for overall development of the handloom sector of the country and to make welfare of the people engaged therein Historically handloom has got its predominance and heritages in Bangladesh.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut ut nunc convallis, laoreet lectus sit amet, rutrum tellus. Quisque et risus id elit bibendum finibus ac lacinia mi. Vivamus at ipsum a velit eleifend ultrices eget vel lacus. Aliquam varius elit vel nibh egestas congue. Quisque sodales vestibulum erat sit amet mollis. Sed sed mi eget nulla vehicula malesuada at id eros. Vivamus lacus erat, dapibus ac sollicitudin vel, tincidunt congue urna. Morbi mollis molestie lacus id accumsan. Pellentesque in volutpat tortor. Pellentesque lobortis placerat vestibulum. Ut mattis risus quis quam finibus lacinia. Donec rhoncus luctus sapien a tincidunt.

Nullam at aliquet erat. Aliquam pellentesque efficitur mi. Fusce sed quam ex. Nulla vel felis euismod, viverra dolor eu, tempus ligula. Aenean eget tortor ut ex facilisis vestibulum vel condimentum magna. Phasellus aliquet bibendum blandit. Suspendisse tincidunt pulvinar diam, convallis consectetur diam fermentum sit amet. Vivamus urna diam, scelerisque vitae turpis a, viverra aliquam arcu. Vestibulum a efficitur metus. Integer consectetur erat dolor, non finibus ipsum congue eu. Praesent id volutpat odio, in rhoncus arcu. Pellentesque viverra tristique sapien, quis finibus justo. In tincidunt feugiat efficitur. Praesent gravida purus tempor elit interdum, at commodo lacus malesuada. Fusce vestibulum quam neque, vel consectetur ex faucibus eget. Vestibulum ut aliquam nulla.


Although the modern economy is largely dependent on industrialisation, agriculture remains the main driving force for the economy of Bangladesh. The economy of Bangladesh stands on 4 pillars namely agriculture production, national revenue income, export earnings and remittance by migrant workers. Agriculture has been functioning in Bangladesh since long as a catalyst for sustainable development and growth of the country. It is the largest employment sector in Bangladesh. As of 2019, it employs 37.75 % of the total labour force and comprises 12.68 of the country’s GDP. The performance of this sector has an overwhelming impact on major macroeconomic objectives like employment generation, poverty alleviation, human resources development and food security. The scope of modern agriculture has been widened significantly although agriculture used to be originally defined as the cultivation of land for producing crops only, now-a-days, any applied activity through proper utilization of natural resources which relates to the production, development, preservation, processing, marketing and extension of not only crops but also other agricultural commodities such as fish, meat, eggs, forest products, etc. is universally accepted within the purview of agriculture. According to the above definition, crop production, animal husbandry, fisheries, forestry, etc. are integral components of agriculture. But, crops undoubtedly constitute the largest and most important sector of Bangladesh agriculture. In Bangladesh, it is possible to reduce rural poverty and raise the living standard of common people by establishing agriculture as a profitable sector. It is, therefore, necessary to reorganize and develop the agricultural production system into a more dynamic and commercially profitable sector.